You are in a circus tent, after hours. In the center ring are two clown cars. You choose [[the red car|red car]] You choose [[the blue car|blue car]] A happy clown says, "Welcome to the circus! Care for a funny bone?" He offers two strange looking bones. [[curved bone|curved bone]] [[crooked bone|crooked bone]] A sad clown steps out and says, "I lost my teeth when I fell out of a tree. Will you help me find them?" [[yes|yes]] [[no|no]]The happy clown immediately raps you over the head with the bone, laughs uproariously, and disappears by leaping over an elephant.The happy clown hands you a small monkey. The monkey jumps onto your shoulder and tells you to climb the ladder. You [[climb the ladder|climb the ladder]] [[say no thanks|say no thanks]]He hands you a map with a tree marked on it. You follow the map so closely that you don't realize you've walked into a lion's cage. The lion, fortunately, is asleep. You [[wake the lion to tell him a joke|wake the lion]] [[pull the lion's tail|pull the tail]] He hands you a push broom. You [[start sweeping the spotlight on the floor into a smaller and smaller circle|sweep spotlight]] [[ride the broom to the moon| ride to the moon]] [[go to lift handle|lift handle]][[go to the blue car|blue car]]The lion eats you. Hey, it's a lion. And it hasn't been fed in a while. Thanks. Raw meat is expensive these days.You pull so hard that the lion's suit comes off and reveals a clown inside. He hands you two free tickets to the circus and tells you to come back tonight. You [[accept the tickets|accept tickets]] [[refuse the tickets and go back to the beginning]]|red car]]While sweeping, you uncover a secret handle under the sawdust. You [[lift the handle|lift handle]] [[continue sweeping|continue sweeping]]You meet the enchanting rabbit who rules the moon, who wants to marry you. You agree, but after the ceremony you suddenlly remember there's no air on the moon. It is a short honeymoon. You [[hold your breath|hold your breath]] [[ride the broom back to the circus|ride the broom back to the circus]]You live for about 30 more seconds. Hey, you're on the moon without any oxygen! What did you expect?The clowns immediately grab you and put you in a cage labelled "Moon Rock." You live out your days shaking the bars of your cage and throwing cheese at onlookers.A man in a top hat climbs out of a door in the sawdust and offers you a million dollars to take over the circus. You [[accept his offer|accept offer]] [[refuse his offer|refuse offer]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Congratulations! You win on soooo many levels! And you're laughing all the way to the bank!Really? You refuse a million dollars and an opportunity to run a circus? You immediately head for home and re-evaluate your life goals. On the way there, however, you are run over by two clown cars, red and blue. The cars stop and a thousand clowns rush out to save you, but they are too late. One of them paints a smile on your face before they leave. Your funeral includes a procession of monkeys, lions, and elephants. There is also popcorn.[[go back to the blue car|blue car]][[go back to the beginning|red car]]