On a small island in the southern sea lies a bustling city. It's full of lots of young, attractive people, full of sexual tension. This story follows the life of Alba, one such young person, and all of the other young attractive men in his life. <a href="http://imgur.com/eDa0J7M"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/eDa0J7M.png" title="source: imgur.com" /></a> Alba: Hi there! My name's Alba. I'm 23 years young, hehehh!! This is my dog, Fido! Say hello, Fido! (Alba's voice goes deep and gravelly as he picks up his toy stuffed dog.) Fido: Hello. Alba: I live with my grandmother, Taco, in this shabby house in this dingy little corner of this dingy little island city. I work in a strip club as the receptionist, though I also tend the bar when I'm feeling particularly sassy. I'm off to work now, in fact! (Alba puts on his shoes, puts Fido in his bag, and heads downstairs. In the sitting room, Taco sits eating some jelly donuts. She glances up when Alba enters.) Taco: "Off to work, Alba?" Alba: "Yeah! I'll be home late tonight." Taco: "On your way home, could you pick up some mustard at the store?" [[Agree to get mustard|mustard]] [[*laughs* "Get your own mustard"|no mustard]]Alba: "Sure, I can get some. See ya later!" (Taco waves and turns back to eating her jelly donuts. Alba leaves the house, the wind blowing his long flowing green hair as he starts down the street. As he's passing by the corner hair salon, a voice calls out to him.) ???: "Oi, Alba!!" (Alba turns and sees a man with bright pink hair heading out the salon door.) <a href="http://imgur.com/qQAkcXg"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/qQAkcXg.png" title="source: imgur.com" /></a> Alba: Oh look, it's Cracker Jack! He's my childhood friend. He has a lot of ink that he regrets, but I haven't seen all of it. He probably has an ex's name in Comic Sans on his butt. Alba: "Hey, Cracker Jack! How's life at the salon?" Cracker Jack: "Not bad, but I constantly get hit on, hahahah!! Women, am I right?" [[Punch Cracker Jack in the face|punch cracker jack]] [[Agree with Cracker Jack|indulge cracker jack]]Alba: *laughs* "Get your own mustard." (Taco gets up from the couch and punches Alba in the face. Alba immediately starts crying, reaching up to stop his nosebleed. Taco hmphs and sits back down on the couch, reaching for another donut.) Taco: "Don't sass me, dang kid!" Alba: *mumbling* "Alright, alright! Man, now I don't want to go to work! I look awful!" (Alba sniffs like a big baby and shuffles outside. His nose hasn't stopped bleeding yet, and some of the blood got on his shirt.) Alba: Oh my god I look so lame now, going into work CAN'T HAPPEN. Maybe I should just go to the pharmacy and get something for this. [[Suck it up and go to work|go to work]] [[Go to the pharmacy|pharmacy]](Alba aggressively punches Cracker Jack in the face. Cracker Jack falls to the ground, a nose bleed springing from his nostril. Cracker Jack looks up at Alba with tears in his eyes.) Cracker Jack: "Alba, why would you do this!" Alba: "Because women deserve respect too, punk." The end.Alba: "Haha, yeah. Well I'm off to work!" (Alba starts to walk away, then stops and turns back. He walks up to Cracker Jack and aggressively punches him in the face. Cracker Jack falls to the ground, a nose bleed springing from his nostril. Cracker Jack looks up at Alba with tears in his eyes.) Cracker Jack: "Alba, why would you do this!" Alba: "Because women deserve respect too, punk." The end.(Alba decides to suck it up and go to work. He looks horrible and he doesn't know why he's doing this, but he's strangely compelled to do so. The wind blows Alba's long flowing green hair as he starts down the street. As he's passing by the corner hair salon, a voice calls out to him.) ???: "Oi, Alba!!" (Alba turns and sees a man with bright pink hair heading out the salon door.) <a href="http://imgur.com/qQAkcXg"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/qQAkcXg.png" title="source: imgur.com" /></a> Alba: Oh look, it's Cracker Jack! He's my childhood friend. He has a lot of ink that he regrets, but I haven't seen all of it. He probably has an ex's name in Comic Sans on his butt. (Cracker Jack stops short when he sees Alba's state, looking concerned.) Cracker Jack: "Whoa, everything alright there, kid? You got some blood on your shirt!" Alba: "Yeah, just a scuffle with Taco. How's life at the salon, Cracker Jack?" Cracker Jack: "Not bad, but I constantly get hit on, hahahah!! Women, am I right?" [[Punch Cracker Jack in the face|punch cracker jack]] [[Agree with Cracker Jack|indulge cracker jack]](Alba hates looking unpresentable, so he decides to go to the pharmacy to get something for this nosebleed. He heads down the street and enters the pharmacy. As he's strolling down the aisles looking for medicine and tissues, he bumps into a guy slightly taller than himself, turning the corner with surprising speed. Alba overdramatically falls to the floor.) ???: "Oh, excuse me!! I'm so sorry, sir!" <a href="http://imgur.com/vpeaN6G"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/vpeaN6G.png" title="source: imgur.com" /></a> (The man reaches out a giant hand and pulls him to his feet by the scruff of his neck. Alba reflexively puts his hands up to protect his face, but lowers them awkwardly when he realizes the man isn't threatening at all.) ???: "Please don't be afraid! My name's Opaque I have big hands but I'm as gentle as a bunny! Would you like an octopus candy? They're gummies and raspberry flavored!" [[Take a piece of candy|candy]] [[Decline the candy|no candy]]Alba: "O-oh, um, sure!" (Alba takes a candy from Opaque, and puts it in his mouth. The flavor is AMAZING and Alba literally tears up because it's so good.) Opaque: "Oh, you have some blood on your shirt! Do you want a clean one?" [[Take the shirt|shirt]] [[Decline the shirt|shirt]]Alba: "O-oh, um, no thaa-nkgjns!" (Alba starts to decline, but Opaque shoves a piece of candy in his mouth. The flavor is AMAZING and Alba literally tears up because it's so good.) Opaque: "Oh, you have some blood on your shirt! Do you want a clean one?" [[Take the shirt|shirt]] [[Decline the shirt|shirt]](Before Alba can respond, Opaque rips off his shirt and throws it to Alba. He's incredibly ripped and Alba stops to stare.) Opaque: *laughs* "What's so funny?!" Alba: *cries* The end.